Privacy Policy

The Aviation Checklist web-site and related mobile applications of the same name store your name, e-mail address and any preferences and purchases you make. None of this information is ever disclosed to any 3rd party.

We will only ever use your e-mail address for password resets and order acknowledgements.

Any information received regarding the payment for any product or service will be used to process that payment. When taking payments, all card information is encrypted and securely communicated our Payment Gateway (provided by Stripe) without going through our own systems. Aviation Checklist does not have access to your full card details and complies with industry standards for card payments to allow us to resolve queries and make refunds if necessary. Details from your card will be shared with your card issuer for the purposes of approving or declining your transaction, and your card issuer may use automated decision making as part of this process.

The name you provide is used purely as a greeting.

All other preferences and selections you enter are used by Aviation Checklist Ltd to ensure the system works in the way it is intended. We may make use of non-personal aggregated data based on your actions for statistical interest.

Removal of Personal Data

Although we store very little personal data about you, if you wish for us to delete it please e-mail You can also send any questions related to our privacy policy to this e-mail address.